By: Kevin Schreck
One of the great things about being in the tech development business is that we get the opportunity to work with a wide array of industries and an even wider array of people. It’s an exciting process when a new client approaches us with an idea that they’ve been shaping for months or even years. While it is exciting, we also recognize that there’s a certain amount of fear that can delay or, at times, completely stop the development process from beginning. As clients try to make sense of technology, we’ve noticed some commonality in the questions they ask. In this blog, we’ll be answering those questions, including:
Can I Learn to Develop an App on my Own?
How Much Will the Project Cost?
Should I Outsource Overseas?
Is a Cheaper Rate Better?
Let’s dive in…
Can I learn to develop an app on my own?
Sure. But to that I’d ask – do you have multiple years to dedicate to the craft of software development? I’m guessing the answer is no. You’ve got a business to run and goals to attain. Trying to build your own application is going to undoubtedly increase your time to market, decrease the stability of your application, and take you away from the things you need to do (raising capital, marketing, road shows, etc.). In fact, it’s not uncommon for our clients to have a background in development and still trust their development to the Elevate team. Having people with decades of experience and hundreds of applications built on your side is only going to [supercharge] your development and allow you to focus on the things that drive your business forward.
How much will the project cost?
The short and honest answer is it depends. If someone quotes you a number in your first conversation, be very suspicious. A whole host of factors come into play when evaluating the scope of an application. The level of customization, number of integrations, number of users, acceptable level of downtime, and many other factors must be considered. Some applications can be built in a matter of days by a single developer. Others may take months-to-years with an expansive team at your disposal. The important thing is to know the order of magnitude that you can afford, identify your near term vs long term targets, and be prepared to prioritize features should everything you want not be feasible in your budget.
Should I outsource overseas?
There are many perceived benefits of offshoring your development and in some instances those benefits are achieved. We recommend that you analyze the complexity of what you’re looking to do, your ability to overcome time zone differences, will it be used by the US government, and probably most importantly, your ability or capacity to oversee an offshore team. It’s a regular occurrence for prospective clients to reach out to us after a failed experience overseas. Oftentimes it has little to do with the capability of the offshore team but rather tied to the friction created by offshoring itself. Be introspective in analyzing offshore options and think not only of your short term objectives but also your long term objectives. Lower rates may seem like an instant win, but the total cost of ownership is more often than not higher in an offshoring arrangement. Which leads us to our next question.
Is a cheaper rate better?
Much like the overseas question, this often comes down to what it is you’re trying to accomplish. If you have very simple needs that require little ongoing effort, then the cheapest option shows a lot of promise. We’re guessing that’s not your case, however, as software is inherently complex and you likely have big goals you’re looking to accomplish. We recommend that in your initial review of development options you remove rates from the equation unless they are wildly out of sync with your budgets. Focus on capability, responsiveness, and ability to understand your vision. The right development team is going to be able to steer you in the right direction and, regardless of rates, reduce your total cost of ownership by selecting a technology stack that fits your individual situation, minimizing rework, and building scalable solutions that meet your short term and long term needs.
We get it. When it comes time to bring your idea to life, the process of launching your development can be very daunting. Just know that this isn’t uncommon and that with the right team in play, you can meet all your goals and more.
Have more questions? Or just want to discuss how this applies to your specific situation? Feel free to reach out to me directly at or go straight to my calendar here.
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